Friday 28 December 2012

A Few Facts about Micky...

Name: Michael Curtis Parsons
Age: 18
Birthday: 25th August
Current Relationship Status: Single
Twitter: @Micky_District3

Loves McDonalds (orders a large chicken legend meal with a strawberry milkshake.. and another strawberry milkshake.) :')
His favorite colour is blue.
His favorite film is Shawshank Redemption.
Likes strawberry milkshakes... a LOT.
Can do flips.
Can do handstands.
Can dance pretty well too!
He sings beautifully (obviously)
He can play the guitar.
He can play the piano.
He lives in Windsor with his mum and dad (such a cutie) ;)
He would date a fan...♥
If he could hang out with any cartoon character ,it would be Mojo Jojo.
If he could go anywhere in the world, he would go to St Lucia.
He would rather have a body of a walrus than a head of a donkey.
He would rather be a fairy than a pixie;)
If he could chose a superpower to have, he would chose flying.
If he had one more day to live, he would kill himself. (don't ask!)
If his house was on fire and he could only save one thing, he would save his cats.

Thats all for now! xx

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